Thursday, December 6, 2007

Audio: Ali al-Marri case

In this audio be Democracy Now! Amy Goodman is interviewing one of al-Marri's attorneys. I put up a blog of this case and here is the attorney talking about it. He talks about how it was all started by him getting picked up by the FBI. He also talks about the military prison where he is now and for how long. He was held in a brig in South Carolina for almost a year and a half. He was asked what his charge was and the attorney said there was no charge. The term "enemy combatant" is explained. It is a very interesting interview.

I chose this because it is an audio explanation of a blog I put up. It is the attorney talking about the case in detail. Since this case is very interesting to me so an interview with al-Marri's attorney is of great importance. This interview is very revealing and shows what is going on in the case and what the Bush administration is doing.

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